Become an autonomous kiter
Become an autonomous kiter
On shallow water lagoon
Become an autonomous kiter
Become an autonomous kiter
On shallow water lagoon


Supervised kiting session in shallow water lagoon

This is the perfect set up for kiters who can already kite in shallow water but are not able yet to rent equipment yet to kite in the deep water spot.
It is a supervised kite session on the shallow water lagoon.
After a short introduction to the spot and rules the kiter will kite under the supervision of an instructor.
The kiter can practice alone or can ask the instructor from time to time for advice if needed. A supervised kite session on the shallow water lagoon is not a lesson but a great way of becomming autonoumous in kiteboarding and preparing for the step of kiting in deep water.


Supervision - Important to know


Supervision in shallow water lagoon

  • 1.5h of refresh/advanced course to check level
  • Safe riding in both directions in shallow water.
  • Good control of kite and board
  • Re-launch skills in shallow water
  • Knowledge of self rescue in shallow water
  • Good understanding of the safety system and safety rules
  • Knowing the spot and its rules


Prices Supervision

Per person with and without equipment

Supervision on shallow water lagoon, prices per person
Supervision School equipmentPrivate equipment
3h session75,00€36,00€